Journey Women's Center

Are Pregnancy Resource Centers Fake Clinics?

Sometimes, it’s hard to know what is true, especially when there is conflicting information coming from sources you trust. And while we can’t speak for every Pregnancy Resource Center, Journey Women’s Center is passionate about serving the needs of women who may be facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Are Pregnancy Resource Centers fake clinics?

Let’s debunk a few myths:

MYTH: “Pregnancy resource centers are fake clinics and have no medical staff.”

TRUTH: Journey Women’s Center employs medical staff and provides care under the supervision of a Medical Director. All medical decisions, medical practices and standard of care are determined by the Medical Director, a licensed OB/GYN doctor from the community. Clients can meet with a Registered Nurse during Center hours. View all available free services here.

The Nurse provides pregnancy testing (urine test), answers questions, and provides education about pregnancy options and precautions, such as miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. Limited OB ultrasounds are performed by a licensed RMDS-certified sonographer and are each reviewed by the Medical Director.

MYTH: “Pregnancy resource centers just want to preach at you.”

TRUTH: Journey Women’s Center provides permission-based care; clients are treated with respect. Our staff and volunteers ask permission before discussing topics with clients, whether that is providing education about abortion procedures or talking about spiritual things. Journey Women’s Center is committed to treating people with respect and compassion, regardless of their own personal beliefs or church affiliations. Our clients can confirm that the staff go above and beyond to make everyone feel seen, heard, and loved. Read client stories here

The staff and volunteers serve the needs of their clients, right where they are, helping to connect them with the practical and emotional help they need to move forward in life.

MYTH: “Pregnancy Resource Centers only want to save babies and don’t care about women.”

TRUTH: Journey Women’s Center understands and respects the women’s right to make her own choice. We offer abortion education and counseling regardless of the woman’s decision to abort or not, and offers on-going practical and emotional support. Check out our post-abortion support group. 

This also includes the decision to carry their baby to term or choose an adoption plan. Journey Women’s Center offers help to vulnerable women to include assistance with housing, medical care, parenting support groups and counseling. Check out our community services page for a list of housing and other services. We see the mother and baby as a whole and are equally concerned about the mothers’ needs being met.

MYTH: “Pregnancy resource centers don’t have to follow HIPAA and therefore all your information will be made public.

TRUTH: Journey Women’s Center chooses to follow HIPAA guidelines. Staff and volunteers are required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement and licensed staff must always comply with HIPAA or risk losing their medical licenses. All information is kept confidential, except in cases where reporting laws apply or if someone is believed to be in danger of hurting themselves or someone else. We do not disclose any personal information to parents, friends, or partners, without written permission from the client.

MYTH: “Pregnancy Resource Centers judge you based on your decision…or situation, sexual identity, beliefs…”

TRUTH: We each have a story. Our life stories are filled with mistakes, difficult decisions, and heartache. Our stories have deep wounds from past abuse, abortion, broken families, broken marriages, single parenting, financial struggles, and loss. It is not our place to stand in judgement of someone else’s story. It is our firm belief that God—who made us for a purpose and who loves us more than we can imagine, has the power to take the shattered pieces of our story and weave together a beautiful story filled with hope, love, redemption, joy, and community. Journey Women’s Center staff and volunteers do not discriminate based on race, sex, gender, or for any reason, but treats everyone with compassion and kindness.

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